Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Remember, keep the Door Locked!

This is a reminder from the All Personnel Meeting, please keep the side door from the DMC to the dock locked.  All departments were issued a key last year so if you use that entrance please lock it back. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

New and Shiny!!!

Today was the final install for the furniture in the DMC.  ERIT has also started the equipment install and IT was finishing the data port hook-ups.  On Thursday the microfilm cabinets will be moved and the space will be functional.  Of course we still have some details to complete but the reality of this long process is HERE!  Enjoy these photos while everything is new and shiny!

Better yet, come see for yourself!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mid-July DMC update

Here are some photos regarding the furniture install in the Digital Media Commons.  They have a two week window left to complete this part and then we will start on the equipment.  Here is the reception desk:

Workstations positioned around the columns:

Soft seating being placed but left covered, (PLEASE!!)

And completed walls for the offices:

We are still on target for a August 13th opening, a staff event (open house) is being planned prior to the start of classes so watch for that information to come out shortly.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Thanks for the progress

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone working on integrating the Ferguson monographs back into play, we started like this:
And over 50% have already been processed, moved and shifted:
Great job, THANKS!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

DMC furniture install

The furniture has arrived for the Digital Media Commons in the lower level and the install process has begun.  This process will take several weeks and the intention is to keep this area clear of students until we are ready to open it in August.  Signs are posted indicating the area is closed, if you happen across people asking or looking, please ask them to wait until this area is cleaned up and ready before they use the furniture.  The chairs and stools will remain covered:

The walls for the offices and consultation rooms will look like this:

And the desks that will house the equipment and workstations look like this:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

DMC is receiving furniture

We began to receive the new furniture for the Digital Media Commons today.  Please keep in mind that we will not be assembling and installing for a few weeks and we will be asking folks not to use this area until fall semester, but this is progress................................

Moving Manuscripts

The time has come to complete the move that completes the project on the third floor renovation.  These are photos of the manuscript area moves:
Some materials go into space vacated on the second floor by special collection items:

This space is making ready for archive materials to fill:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Construction Wrap-up for DMC

Yesterday was the final walk-thru on the construction portion of the "lower level".  This is how it looks after the contractors have vacuumed and cleaned:

This is the presentation room, formally room 11 that will house furniture and equipment for student groups to practice their presentations:

This this is the back door to the old dock that is not a door any longer.  The look was preserved for the exterior historical integrity of the building but this is no longer a functioning entrance or exit:

And finally, the remaining boxed monographs that were storaged in Oakland warehouse from Ferguson have arrived and are in the process of being reviewed and worked into the collection:

Over the next several weeks and couple of months these materials will be sorted and moved, the microfilm cabinets will be relocated behind the gov doc's runs, furniture will start arriving for set-up and by August equipment will begin to appear.  Who said summer couldn't be exciting?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Power back on

The power is back on this Saturday morning and the tie in of the electricity was successful.  If you haven't been down to the basement, a couple of updates, the door got painted as promised:
And the microfilm cabinets that go rearranged have been lined back up along the pathway between doors:

This week is expected to see finishing touches and an inspection.  The monographs are due on Thursday and will staged behind these cabinets.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday morning carpet party

The carpet is going down in the lower level.  These are various photos from different angles to share rather than having folks go down and look.  All of this should wrap up next week and it will be quiet until the furniture arrives.  Notice the two tones, this creates a pathway which will make more sense with the furniture in place, FYI.  Have a great weekend.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saturday work

Since this is a short project from a construction perspective, things will move fast.  We worked on Saturday so they could do more drilling in the ceiling deck to secure their cables and they also ran electrical from a new panel in the sub basement.  Here are a couple of shots of progress:
On the east wall, old radiators are down, panduit for running wires is up.

In the old faculty offices, new edit rooms as well.

This is the door to the monument staircase, it is outside the project but the Howard worked it out with the painters to take care of it, so before you ask, yes it is getting painted.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

DMC - Lower Level Update

Just to bring everyone up to speed on the Digital Media Commons Project, the panduit that will house the cables and electric for the new furniture and equipment is being installed:
A new door has been installed next to the old loading dock room in what will be a presentation room.  FYI, by the end of the project the exterior entrance onto the old loading dock will be sealed, so this is not considered a pathway.

............and painting has begun including the old faculty rooms,

By next update, you might see carpet!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Upcoming dates to be aware of

With the semester almost over various maintenance or testing type work will begin to take place on campus while students are away.  The first action that affects us is, starting on May 4th (graduation day) thru May 7th, the chiller will be off line which could impact temperatures in Jackson Library.  Since we are closed that weekend it will be the Monday morning to keep an eye on.

Also, on May 17th and 18th, the fire alarms will be tested.  Horns are expected to sound randomly on both days.

Area of Rescue

FYI, if you see the phone guys running lines around the building and replacing the Area of Rescue devices, this is to run dedicated phone lines that will contact the campus police direct in the event of an emergency.  I will let you know when they are active.

Getting Ready for paint and carpet

Now that the Lower Level looks more like a Dance Hall:
You will see some of the infrastructure work starting to take place, namely the running of the data lines:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Getting the "Lower Level" ready

By the end of today, most of the shelving will be gone from the basement, with the final removal of shelving and furniture expected to occur on Monday.  Other related news, the contractor has been selected and a "Kick-off" meeting will be scheduled within the next week.  If you haven't ventured down for a look this is what is going on:
The Shelving is being disassembled
And loaded into dumpsters for recycling
That's a full load!

This is how our space is starting to look:

Don't forget the Wednesday afternoon Ice Cream Celebration for everyone, more details to come.